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/** * Sliding Panles 1.0.2 - jQuery plugin for accessible, unobtrusive Sliding Panels * @requires jQuery 1.2.1 * * * * Copyright (c) 2007 Andrea Campolonghi ( * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * * */ /** * The underlying HTML has to look like this: * *

Some Text

Text in the sliding Panel
* * The element can be any html valid element. By default the plugin looks for the very next * element to be identify as the TARGET element. * * @example $('.slide').slidePanel(); * @desc Create the default panel with the target element closed in the load. *

Some Text

Text in the sliding Panel
* * @example $('.slide').slidePanel({status:'open', target:'#myTarget#'}); * @desc The target element will be displayed opened onLoad and will be idetified by the ID myTarget * and not by being the very next element *

Some Text

................. *

Text in the sliding Panel * * @example $('.slide').slidePanel({remote:'true'}); * @desc text is loaded via Ajax. The panel element must be provide of an a Child with the href * used by the ajax call. *

Some Text

* * @option String status default:closed. Attr: open. * Target element will be hide or not on load * @option $selector target Default: next. Attr: any jQuery valid selector. * Identify the target element. * @option boolean remote Default:false. * Target element is poulated by Ajax call. * If element status is 'open' the call is made on load, else is made at the first * click event. * The panel element must have a child A element with the href used to make the call. * This makes panels completely unbintrusive. *@option string role Default:normal. * Render dependant element in motion on call of a master element. * Set role:'dep' for dependant and role:'master' for the main element. * Master element must be one and must be declared after all the dependant. * Single element preserve their own settings as individual panels with the follwing * limitations regarding Ajax content: * On dependant target element the Ajax loading can be set but will not be fired from the "master" click, * will respond on his own element click. * On Master target element no ajax content loading is allowed. * @type jQuery * @name slidingPanels * @author Andrea Campolonghi/ */ var $panArray; var $targArray; var $panAcc; jQuery.fn.slidePanel = function(parameters){ settings = { status: 'closed', speed: 'normal', target: 'next', remote:'false', role:'normal' }; //extend settings in jQuery object jQuery.extend(settings, parameters); //Initialize any panel and keep chinable return this.each(function(){ var $panel = $(this); //set target variable to the required target panel, default is next if ( == 'next'){ var $target = $; } else{ var $target = $(; } //Add general class to panel element //if target start closed add the .panel-closed class if (settings.status == 'closed'){ $target.addClass('panel-target panel-closed'); $panel.addClass('panel panel-up'); } else{ $target.addClass('panel-target'); $panel.addClass('panel panel-down'); } if(settings.role == 'accordion'){ panelAcc($target); if($panAcc.length == '1'){ $panAcc[0].removeClass('panel-closed'); } ${ for (var j = 0; j < $panAcc.length; j++){ if($panAcc[j] != $target){ $panAcc[j].slideUp(); $panAcc[j].prev().removeClass('panel-down').addClass('panel-up'); } } $target.slideDown(); $target.prev().addClass('panel-down').removeClass('panel-up'); }); } // if Role is Master bind the function to the master panel click else if (settings.role == 'master'){ ${ $target.slideToggle(settings.speed);//make the master element sliding for (var i = 0; i < $targArray.length; i++){ $targArray[i].slideToggle();//the dep element toogle on master click } //preserve the class to the dependent panel element for graphic display for (var i = 0; i < $panArray.length; i++){ if( $panArray[i].hasClass('panel-down')){ $panArray[i].addClass('panel-up').removeClass('panel-down'); } else{ $panArray[i].addClass('panel-down').removeClass('panel-up'); } } }); } else { //if Ajax with opened starting status fire the calling onLoad if(settings.remote == 'true' && settings.status != 'closed'){ var page = $panel.children().filter('a').eq(0).attr('href'); $target.load(page); } //if role is dep add element to a repository Array if (settings.role == 'dep'){ panelAssets($panel,$target); } //bind the click required event ${ //if is ajax check if content has allready been loaded if(settings.remote == 'true'){ var txt = $target.text(); if(txt.length == '0'){ var $a = $panel.children().filter('a').eq(0); var exText = $a.text(); $a.text('Loading....'); var page = $panel.children().filter('a').attr('href'); $target.load(page, function(){ $a.text(exText); }); } } $target.slideToggle(settings.speed); $panel.toggleClass('panel-down'); $panel.toggleClass('panel-up'); return false; }); } }); //repository Array for depending element function panelAssets(elem,elem1){ if ($panArray == undefined && $targArray == undefined){ $panArray = []; $panArray[0] = elem; $targArray = []; $targArray[0] = elem1; } else{ $panArray[$panArray.length] = elem; $targArray[$targArray.length] = elem1; } } //repository Array for depending element function panelAcc(elem){ if ($panAcc == undefined){ $panAcc = []; $panAcc[0] = elem; } else{ $panAcc[$panAcc.length] = elem; } } }